Books ––

The medical publishing house Evereth Publishing is an experienced team that provides help and support for Authors in issuing books.

The scope of our substantive interest is:

  • monographic publications
  • other forms of medical bibliography and related fields (handbooks, reference books, compendiums, other educational materials – the possibility of planning publishing cycles)
  • doctoral and postdoctoral dissertations

According to the Communication of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of December 17, 2019 on the list of publishers publishing peer-reviewed scientific monographs, Evereth Publishing was granted 80 points for publishing scientific monographs.

Range of services ––

Evereth Publishing offers a full range of publishing services including:

  • assigning the international ISBN symbol
  • customized graphic design of the cover and layout
  • typesetting, technical proofreading, professional linguistic proofreading
  • offering the full corporate identity of the publishing house
  • distribution and promotion

Requirements for publishing  ––

The condition for accepting the content for publication is obtaining its approval by independent reviewers. After receiving the approval, the publishing house will undertake to publish the book on the basis of:

● payment (cost depends on technical parameters and planned outlay), or

● funds issued by the Publisher for the publication after individual agreement of the terms of the contract with the Author..