The manuscript, with tables, figures, and photographs, should be submitted electronically to the Editor. Submit a cover letter with the full name, address, telephone number, and email of the corresponding Author, as well as a statement that all Authors have accepted the manuscript.
Please send the materials above to the address of the Editor:

The paper text and the tables at the end of the manuscript should be prepared in one combined text file. Figures and photographs should be attached as separate image files. All pages should be numbered consecutively.

The manuscript should contain the following sections in the order given below:

Title page

The first page should contain the title of the manuscript, a list of the names of all Authors (first name, initials of other first names, surname), the name of the institution from which the Author is from, the complete mailing address of all authors, telephone and fax numbers, the email of the Corresponding Author, and the city and country where the work was done. The title page should also include information on the role and contribution of each Author in the preparation of the paper, which should be made visible as follows:

– preparation of a research project
– data collection
– choice of test method
– statistical analysis
– collection and interpretation of results
– preparation of the manuscript
– selection and compilation of literature
– fundraising.

Abstract and keywords

The abstract must be 300 words or less, comprehensive, and fully reflect the manuscript’s structure. At most, six (6) keywords following MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) terminology, arranged in alphabetical order, must also be included. The manuscript must also include the title, abstract, and keywords in English.


The article content should be 5,000 words (excluding citations). In original and review articles, the following text layout applies Introduction (describing the substantive background of the study and its aim), Material and methods (indicating the choice of statistical method), Results, Discussion including the limitation of the study, Conclusions (reflecting the aim of the paper, strictly based on the results obtained in the paper and the discussion carried out). In justified cases, the Editors allow modification of the text layout.


The scientific bibliography cited must be ordered according to the order of appearance in the text and numbered consecutively. All its items must appear in the text as a citation from the literature list and be placed in square brackets. Only essential literature items should be selected, avoiding citations of textbooks and congress abstracts. Significant Polish reports should be included alongside recent world papers. Unpublished” data and “oral information” are not in the literature list but may be cited in the text. Citation of abstracts and reviews should also be avoided. The data of the cited bibliography should be checked against the source.