Polish Emergency Nursing Association

Nursing is critical in the fight for the patient’s life during a life-threatening situation. It is a self-contained, autonomous profession that works closely with all the actors and links in the system. Like in a film watched at an accelerated pace, unprecedented changes are occurring before our eyes. Nurses study, write papers, obtain degrees, and complete further specialisations. The availability of knowledge, cooperation with foreign sister societies, and experience working in other countries are all factors that create a new group based on self-awareness, knowledge, and experience. These latest developments require a clear response. Many things have changed, both positively and negatively. We are all aware of them, but the most essential thing is yet to be accomplished. Nurses working in emergency care need to try research, guideline development, co-creation, and organisation from local emergency units and entities through education in various forms and levels to create laws conducive to the work and development of the profession. For emergency medicine to function effectively, it is indispensable to prioritise its crucial aspect, modern emergency nursing.

Polish Association of Oncology Nurses

The Polish Association of Oncology Nurses (PAON; Polish: Polskie Stowarzyszenie Pielęgniarek Onkologicznych – PSPO) is an organisation of nurses caring for cancer patients nationwide in oncology centres and wards. The association is a European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS) member and cooperates with other associations and organisations to implement cancer prevention activities. Currently, the Polish Association of Oncology Nurses comprises 9 Field Branches. The objectives of the PAON are defined in the Statute of the Association, the most important of which are setting goals, directions, and principles of post-graduate education and improvement, continuous professional education, integration of those involved in oncological nursing issues, supporting research work in oncological nursing theory and practice, and exchange of experience with other nursing organisations at home and abroad, raising and maintaining high quality of nursing services in oncological care and cancer prevention, and participation in shaping and improving the model of oncological care in Poland.